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Article which appeared in the online magazine key4biz.it on 09/01/2016.
By Dr Walter Ardigò.
Enjoy reading!
According to statistics, for at least one in five couples, the search for a child is a complex path. In fact, about 20% of people who want to become parents cannot fulfill their dream without many attempts and a lot of effort (if things go according to plan). There are two main reasons: high levels of stress, an energy vacuum that leaves women with depleted energy on a personal level and for the genital system as well as the age of the two partners and especially the woman. In all cases, to increase the chances of success and fertility couples can choose mycotherapy, i.e. treatment with medicinal mushrooms.
Difficulties are often reversible. Generally, if the two partners are fertile and have normal sexual activity, fertilization occurs within six months. One should talk of difficulty in conceiving only when the woman fails to remain pregnant after a year of trying. Only in a minimal percentage of cases are these difficulties irreversible and incurable. In most situations, however, pregnancy can be "helped" with a series of measures, including Mycotherapy remedies, which represent a truly precious resource for those who want to become parents.
The most suitable mushrooms for those who have problems conceiving are Cordyceps and Reishi. Cordyceps in fact, thanks to a substance unique in nature, called cordycepin, helps female fertility by stimulating the ovaries, exactly in the same way as the pituitary gland in the brain does. It also increases oxygenation of the sexual apparatus. Reishi also increases the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, the sensitivity of the genital system to the action of these hormones, blood circulation and energy in the sexual system and throughout the body. For this reason it is a great help to fertility, as well as for sex life in general.
Also in men Cordyceps significantly improves reproductive system functionality and the quality of spermatozoa. Some researchers have shown, through both experimental and clinical research on patients, that the administration of Reishi and Cordyceps has improved the fertility of both women and men.
In summary, Reishi and Cordyceps increase missing hormones in a balanced way, promoting fertility and conception. Together they promote the proper functioning of both the male and female sexual apparatus.
Moreover, these two mushrooms also increase libido and energy, promoting intimate relationships, in addition to performing many other useful functions for fertility and for health in general. For example, in women they fight menstrual irregularities, which can make fertilization more complex.
Each mushroom should be taken at a dose of 2 grams per day, for a minimum of 3 months.
See you next week Dr Walter Ardigò