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Medicinal Mushrooms: to grow up healthy and in harmony with nature

Mycotherapy is safe for children too. Thanks to their strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, Medicinal Mushroom Supplements keep seasonal ailments well away; they also increase concentration while studying and assist sleep naturally.

More and more families decide to raise children by relying on Mycotherapy to alleviate and cure coughs, colds and flu in the winter season.
Moreover, Medicinal Mushrooms have a variety of beneficial properties and in particular they strengthen the immune defences: this action is due to beta-glucans, the extraordinary molecules that interact with the immune system itself. The immune system matures when children are around six years of age: before this, young children are highly vulnerable to illness, flu and colds and allergies. Medicinal Mushrooms offer a 100% natural aid to counteract the onset of colds, inflammations and annoying coughs. The Medicinal Mushroom Supplements of Funghi Energia e Salute are also useful for improving general well-being and energy, for counteracting negative emotional states and resolving digestive problems.
Medicinal Mushrooms, nicknamed "gifts from the Gods", allow healthy growth with awareness and respect for the environment.

Taking care of yourself is a daily gesture. Discover the most suitable Medicinal Mushrooms
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